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Last Monday 05/10/15, a trip was made to Grey Mt to install a new 6m antenna for the VK7RCH repeater.
Conditions were less than ideal. Although Sunny and warm, the wind was relentless. The 6m antenna was installed and a backup Diamond vertical was reinstated.
Two amateurs, VK7ZMS and VK7HH undertook this job, and even had time to activate some SOTA contacts on 40m.
VK7HH brought along a 40m dipole which was strung between a tree and a branch on the trig point. 6 contacts were made to VK1/VK3.
Some photos.
6 metre 1/2 wave flowerpot is in the centre of photo. Dipole array top right is the 70cm antenna
Spare Diamond vertical to right, and folded dipole is for 2m APRS