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Virtual Ham Radio Shack Tour – with VK4CZ

12 April, 2020 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Another ham radio shack tour with Scott VK4CZ. Scott will be showing us his awesome radio setup, antennas and projects he has built as well as a history of how he got started in ham radio and his time on the bands.

We'll also look at some QSL cards he has collected from stations worked on 50 MHz and his portable microwave gear.

From Scott's QRZ page - https://www.qrz.com/db/VK4CZ "Active from home station on 160m through 13cm - SSB/CW and digital modes. My activities are focused towards 6m and 10m DXing and contesting from QTH just to the north west of Brisbane city in grid QG62lp."

"Antenna system includes: 160m quarter wave sloper - 75m full-wave loop - 40m dipole [soon to include phased verticals] - 20m 5 element mono yagi - 15m 5 element mono yagi - 10m 5 element mono yagi – 6m 9 element 6M2WLC yagi - 2m 12 element LFA yagi - 70cm 28 element DL6WU yagi - 23cm 74 element DL6WU yagi - 13cm 24dbi Gridpack - mounted across 3 towers".