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How Long Is Your Coax? Testing with NanoVNA

10 September, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

You can use a NanoVNA to measure coax length or distance to fault, similar to a TDR using the Transform function.

*Note the model I use is a NanoVNA SAA-2N - not the H4*

⬇️ Equipment in this video ⬇️ NanoVNA SAA-2N 👉 https://geni.us/YPOGD0

NanoVNA H4 👉 https://geni.us/SqRmO

Messi and Paoloni Hyperflex 13 👉 https://messi.it/en/catalogue/50-ohm-cables-ham-radio/hyperflex-13.htm

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