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Ham Radio Shack Tour #4 – with VK5IR, DXing and HF portable station

22 April, 2020 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Theo VK5IR talks through his love for DXing, HF portable operation, and contesting. A tour of his equipment, shack and much more!

"I am mainly active on all bands from 80m through to 6m including WARC bands on phone, digi modes and CW. I also have 2m & 70cms FM capabilities. I am also active on HF from the mobile using a Yaesu FT-857D, mainly on 20m but also on 40m and 15m.

The antennas used on the mobile station are the Diamond HF20FX, HF15FX, & HF40FXW monobanders for HF and a Diamond NR-770H dual bander for VHF/UHF. My HF home station consists of an ICOM IC-7410 running 100 watts. My antennas are a homebrew 6 band hexbeam for 20m-6m and a low dipole for 40m which I can also tune up on 30m (and 80m though it doesn't work very well).

VK5IR on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ50F8p1NZfuf4rR8UgOwWg

VK5IR on QRZ.com https://www.qrz.com/db/VK5IR

Theo is also an admin on the Amateur (HAM) Radio Australia Facebook page. Check it out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/9260226322/