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Dear Chinese Radio Manufacturers.. STOP Doing THIS!

16 July, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Chinese radio manufacturers are just doing the same old thing over and over again.... What's something unique you'd like to see - the return of monoband 23cm radios, handhelds on 28 MHz or something else?

Chinese handhelds I have reviewed 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSuX83ay4OuiZzb3C9pd5dh1UIN593B4a

⬇️Ham Gear I Use⬇️

Quansheng UV-K5 Handheld (Hackable) 👉 https://geni.us/kkbd3

RT-95 VHF/UHF Mobile 👉 https://geni.us/YzCT

Best VHF/UHF Handheld (TIDRadio TD-H3) 👉 https://geni.us/VU4cH

Programming Cable for Handhelds 👉 https://geni.us/9Gh6nwL

28 MHz (plus more) monoband radio 👉 https://geni.us/At99

A better antenna for your handheld 👉 https://geni.us/AQzQw

A better antenna for your VHF/UHF base 👉 https://geni.us/JN8wy

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases

Icom IC-7300 vs IC-7610 UPGRADE! (You WON'T Regret It)

26 March, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute

I have upgraded from my Icom IC-7300 to an Icom IC-7610! What were the key differences & features and is the IC-7610 vs IC-7300 a worthwhile upgrade, or just two radios in one?

Make Your Icom's Waterfall POP!👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Pp4TrU-fk&list=UULFo_jX41l6nYfnrQuk0qsZFw&ab_channel=HamRadioDX

IC-7300 Reviews 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSuX83ay4Oui5bJQzHMNjAxZsw1MuXgfg

TIDRadio TD-H3 (BETTER Than a Baofeng!) - NEW 2024 Radio

21 February, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute

BRAND NEW from TIDRadio is the TD-H3. This radio is available in both Ham or GMRS versions. It has bluetooth programming, and is an easy great radio for ham radio beginners.

TidRadio TD-H3 on Amazon (Affiliate) 👉 https://geni.us/GGy5Z

2 Pack (cheaper deal) 👉 https://geni.us/Kpxk

Talkpod A36 Plus - 8 Watt Handheld

21 February, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute

The Talkpod A36 Plus was a gamechanger for cheap ham radios - with one major problem. Talkpod have now fixed that problem!

Full Review of this Radio 👉 https://youtu.be/utRG-rYptNE

Buy the 8 Watt version here (Amazon Affiliate) 👉 https://geni.us/rHzu

Remote Control - Quansheng Dock (UV-K5)

11 January, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute

You can now remotely connect using your PC to your Quansheng UV-K5 radio using Windows and "Quansheng Dock". Not only does this allow you to do all the functions that the radio does, but it also includes the spectrum analzyer & audio in and out!

Firmware 👉 https://github.com/nicsure/quansheng-dock-fw

Software 👉 https://github.com/nicsure/QuanshengDock

AIOC Board 👉 https://github.com/skuep/AIOC

Buy a UV-K5 Here 👉 https://geni.us/zAzsjzh (Affiliate)