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This is the TinySA Ultra (Tiny Spectrum Analyzer) that can be used to detect any radio signal between 100 KHz and 5.3 GHz. You can even listen in on signals!
TinySA 👉 https://geni.us/iSBuc
TinySA Ultra (model in this video) 👉 https://geni.us/rUrhaH
10W Attenuator 👉 https://geni.us/ivDqB47
TinySA Wiki 👉 https://www.tinysa.org/wiki/
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We're phasing two dipole antennas together on our repeater system, but we need to add downtilt - to move the main lobe down toward our main users. This is how you build a delay line to accomplish this using a NanoVNA. ⬇️ Equipment in this video ⬇️ NanoVNA SAA-2N 👉 https://geni.us/YPOGD0
NanoVNA H4 👉 https://geni.us/SqRmO
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You can use a NanoVNA to measure coax length or distance to fault, similar to a TDR using the Transform function.
*Note the model I use is a NanoVNA SAA-2N - not the H4*
⬇️ Equipment in this video ⬇️ NanoVNA SAA-2N 👉 https://geni.us/YPOGD0
NanoVNA H4 👉 https://geni.us/SqRmO
Messi and Paoloni Hyperflex 13 👉 https://messi.it/en/catalogue/50-ohm-cables-ham-radio/hyperflex-13.htm
Use Coupon VK7HH for 10% OFF M&P
As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something I may receive a small commission.
After my video from a few days ago on how some of the cheap Chinese radios are boring, a Chinese radio company has responded. See what they had to say.
Chinese handhelds I have reviewed 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSuX83ay4OuiZzb3C9pd5dh1UIN593B4a
⬇️Ham Gear I Use⬇️ Quansheng UV-K5 Handheld (Hackable) 👉 https://geni.us/kkbd3
RT-95 VHF/UHF Mobile 👉 https://geni.us/YzCT
Best VHF/UHF Handheld (TIDRadio TD-H3) 👉 https://geni.us/VU4cH
Programming Cable for Handhelds 👉 https://geni.us/9Gh6nwL
28 MHz (plus more) monoband radio 👉 https://geni.us/At99
A better antenna for your handheld 👉 https://geni.us/AQzQw
A better antenna for your VHF/UHF base 👉 https://geni.us/JN8wy
As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases
How to overcome mic fright if you're new to ham radio. Calling CQ and keying up for the first time can be a bit intimidating. In this video, I'll share tips on overcoming that fear, including what to talk about and what helped me.
Further tips 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfcsJKZASdc
Ham Radio etiquette explained 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znBHl3enqIg