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For the past few years I have periodically analyzed and researched the amount of amateur radio licensees in Australia. This is of particular interest to me - to see if we're "going in the right direction" - that being positively increasing amateur radio operators in Australia.
Some have commented to me that "quality over quantity" is better... somehow thinking that there is a "perfect model ham radio operator" out there. Well there isn't - but this article is not focused on that today.
Firstly the recent changes by the ACMA and the Class License means that a new callsign registry was implemented. This meant that obtaining the data is much more difficult than before. ACMA provide a downloadable version of their RRL which is filterable - allowing duplicates and the like to be removed. Since the changes to the callsign registry & class license - it is impossible now to determine who owns what callsign, or in fact, how many callsigns they have - unless you look it up through QRZ.
Nevertheless, we can get some sort of indication of the data and that is presented below.
Key Points:
Click to enlarge image
Key Takeaways:
Compared to some other countries:
As you can see, Australia lags behind quite considerably.
This explains why the Australian ham market is so small - and "lack of activity on the bands".
So how do we improve on this? I believe the ACMA taking on Amateur Radio license services is a step in the right direction. First of all, exams are completely free - you only pay if you pass. No annual fees either. Invite your family, friends, coworkers - anyone you know to take the test and become a ham. There are great benefits to do so. Let's catch up to the rest of the world.
For more information on how to obtain your Amateur Radio license in Australia, see the below links:
WIA Foundation Manual: https://www.wia.org.au/licenses/foundation/foundationmanual/
ACMA Amateur Radio: https://www.acma.gov.au/amateur-radio
ACMA Callsign Register: https://www.acma.gov.au/call-signs
REAST Foundation Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsnsP_zjw831mdC6sY4XqavRUY-53ZWUn
WIA Online Practice Test: https://www.wia.org.au/licenses/foundation/onlineexams/foundation.php