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A Review of the WSPR Desktop Transmitter from Zacktek

12 October, 2020 - Reading time: 3 minutes

The WSPR Desktop transmitter is a standalone multi-band WSPR transmitter with built in GPS for the radio amateur/experimenter available from Zacktek.


Some quick features:

1. Standalone operation, PC required for configuration but not for operation.

2. For transmission on a variety of HF Bands (2-5), based on model and user-choice.

3. Is powered from USB.

4. Comes with built-in GPS module and includes external GPS antenna with long cable for easy installation.

5. Use the PC configuration software to set up your call-sign and band-choice and after that it can operate in standalone mode.

6. Timing and Maidenhead position is automatic from the GPS network.

Take it camping, move it to another QTH, use it mobile.

Needs only 5V 250mA so can be powered from a phone charger or USB power pack.

7. Contains an Arduino with open source software.

Software and Schematic is published on documentation page.

8. Available in three models.

Model Low for bands 2190m and 630m (136kHz and 474kHz)

Model MidPlus for bands 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, and 20m (1.8MHz, 3.5MHz, 7MHz, 10MHz and 14MHz)

Model HighPlus for bands 17m,15m, 12m, 10m and 6m (18MHz, 21MHz, 24MHz, 28MHz and 50MHz)